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Judas and the Bull

The bulls are tied to street poles before being left to their own devices. Photo: Santiago Billy/Comvite
The bulls are tied to street poles before being left to their own devices. Photo: Santiago Billy/Comvite

Every year, a town in the Chixoy Valley, the hometown of the last producer of black salt, carries out one of the most unique Semana Santa traditions in Guatemala. This particular custom consists of running in front of a charging bull that has a life size Judas rag doll strapped on as a rider. The townspeople flee from the bull, and, after a while, they set the rag doll on fire. The mestizo town of Sacapulas is very proud of this particular tradition. The history behind it is a bit murky, so locals claim it’s just a thing that the town as a whole decided they’d do at some point. So, every Holy Saturday, they’ve been doing just that.

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