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The Rooster Game

Jeff Abbot

Sqech Koya, or the Rooster Games, falls on All Saints day in Todos Santos, the same time as the municipal fair. In this picture, two groups of young men overlook the fair grounds in the center of town. Photo: Jeff Abbott/Comvite
Sqech Koya, or the Rooster Games, falls on All Saints day in Todos Santos, the same time as the municipal fair. In this picture, two groups of young men overlook the fair grounds in the center of town. Photo: Jeff Abbott/Comvite

Todos Santos sits high up in the majestic Chuchamatanes Mountains of the Guatemalan department of Huehuetenango. Here one feels as if they are on top of the world. In Spanish, Todos Santos means “all saints.” As so, it is only fitting that the Municipal fair would fall on All Saints Day on November 1st. The height of the yearly fair is the town’s famous drunken horse race. This event is known as Sqech Koya in the local Mam language, or The Rooster Game. It’s a tradition that has been held yearly for centuries.

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