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The BEST Summer Dish

Mixed ceviche served with surimi, shrimp and conch. Photo: Comvite
Mixed ceviche served with surimi, shrimp and conch. Photo: Comvite

At this point, you may have noticed that the weather in the tropics is generally pretty great and relatively steady. So, since we’re climatically spoiled, we call the few months of the year when the temperature grows slightly hotter “summer”, and look for different ways of going about life. During Guatemala’s “summer”, which often coincides with religious festivities, one dish that is very popular is the ceviche. This incredible meal is well-liked because it is refreshing, and also because of religious reasons: there’s a ton of days during Lent and Holy Week in which christians aren’t supposed to eat any red meat, and the main ingredient in ceviche just happens to be seafood.

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